Physical Barrier to Access
If you or someone you know encounters a physical barrier that is preventing equal access to a University building or area, please report it to us. Physical barriers are conditions in any structural environment that prevent or impede an individual with a disability from efficiently navigating the setting.
Barriers can be reported to the University’s ADA/504 Coordinator using the following methods:
- Report an Accessibility Barrier
- Email or call (208) 426-1258.
Barriers to access can include:
- non-functioning door openers
- non-functioning elevators
- damaged curb cuts
- issues with accessible restrooms
- weather-related issues such as snow-blocked paths
Once reported, the ADA/504 Coordinator will contact the appropriate University department to inform them of the report. This will initiate the process to respond to and address your individual needs based on each set of circumstances.
Information Technology Barrier to Access
If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access Boise State University websites, videos, on-line forms, or other information technology, please contact us using the following methods:
- Report an accessibility barrier
- Email or call (208) 426-1258.
The Office of Information Technology provides support in the accessibility of websites, social media, digital documents, and other web technologies. Services include:
- Providing consultation for creating accessible web content, accessible media and documents, and other general web accessibility questions.
- Providing training in accessible web content.
- Testing web applications being considered for procurement.
The Deputy ADA Coordinator for Digital Accessibility provides support in the accessibility of information technology, including technologies used in courses. Services include:
- Providing consultation for ensuring information technologies are accessible.
- Providing consultation for the development of EEAAPs.
- Testing information technologies being considered for procurement.